Professional Exterior and Interior Home and Commercial Painting in Itasca and Cass Counties
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Manny Painting is Your Professional Exterior and Interior Home and Commercial Painter

Manny Painting is a full service home and commercial painting contractor capable of handling any aspect of Interior or Exterior painting and staining, concrete floor coating and countertop refinishing. The following items are just some of the services and benefits you can expect from Manny Painting.

Exterior Painting -

Exterior painting is one of the areas we stand above our competition. Preparation and quality is key to your paint’s survival. With knowledge and experience, we provide services vital to your home’s survival. A new paint job preserves your home for many years. We take the time to ensure your home is protected from the elements for years to come.

painting the exterior of a log home or detailed trim and siding on a custom lake home

Interior Painting -

In addition to protection a new coat of paint provides, interior home painting can change the look of your old familiar home. It can breathe new life into a kitchen, living room or bedroom. Many different sheens and colors are available to achieve your own custom look.

painting the interior walls and wood trim or log railing on a custom home

Staining and Natural Wood Finishes -

Staining is difficult work and is best done by an experienced professional, especially when you can’t afford to make a mistake. Whether you have wood doors, windows and trim, wood decks and siding, or a custom log home. We can stain any exposed wood surface with a quality sealant.

staining and sealing the exterior of a new log home

Pressure Washing -

We pressure wash to bring back the original color of your deck or wood siding. We then apply stain or sealant to lock out moisture and harmful UV rays.

Wood and Concrete Floor Finishes -

Wood Floors are a beautiful and natural product that sets it apart from other floor coverings. The ultimate appearance and endurance are dependent upon the finishing process. Painting concrete helps keep the concrete safe against natural and other wear and tear. Proper surface preparation is one of the most important processes in painting concrete floors. We will help show you various options for concrete floor coats and paints available.

finishing a cement floor


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