Of all the improvements you can make to beautify and add value to your
home or commercial building, nothing is more cost-effective or makes a
bigger impact than a fresh coat of paint.
First impressions are important. We believe that a professional is best
for painting jobs to give that professional look and yes we can fix a
poor paint job too!
Manny Painting has the highest standards of quality and service in the
residential painting and commercial painting industry, focusing on
professional workmanship.
We proudly serve the Northern Minnesota area concentrating on Itasca and
Cass Counties, from Grand Rapids to Park Rapids, Big Fork to Longville
and everyplace in between.
Manny Painting's experienced painters will make sure the job gets done
quickly, professionally and with minimal disruption to your daily
We know it is important to you
to get a quality paint job for your money. We make sure every job is
completed to the
customers satisfaction with top quality materials for a long-lasting,
hassle-free paint
job. We are painting experts. We take personal pride in all of our